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/home scratch

nyc constructionMuch of the NYC construction industry is under siege by forces that cling to old patterns of behavior.  These forces seek to undermine tens of thousands of minority workers doing the majority of the building in NYC and employing the greatest number of New Yorkers, especially minorities, thereby creating a diverse workforce who for the first time has significant opportunity for stability and longevity. These workers come from New York communities where unemployment exceeds the national average, thousands of whom are minorities who have been historically ignored by stakeholders wedded to an outmoded method of doing business.

This vibrant construction sector has been responsible for an upsurge in affordable housing development that has begun to address what the City sees as the most crucial public policy issue that we face in New York. This could not have happened under the old and discredited business model, whose proponents are now understandably lashing out in fear and anger as their market share continues to evaporate.

BuildingNYC is an association that represents those doing the majority of the building in NYC today, especially affordable housing.  Comprised of workers across all sectors of the NYC construction industry, we seek to protect and advocate for the right to work in a safe, fair and equitable environment that promotes continued growth and success.

Help us build New York City affordably, with true diversity, safety and fairness.

Join our movement and show your support. We’ll keep you updated on  important events and initiatives… 

The Real Story About Building NYC is Being Written Every Day:

More Affordable Housing Falls Victim to Labor’s Self Interest

450 affordable apartments-part of the larger Astoria Cove development in Queens, have fallen victim to the narrow self interest of organized labor:

Crain’s: Crane inventor gives his side of the city’s ban—and backs it up

Over the past month there has been a great deal of press attention to the fate of the Skypicker, the innovative crane I designed to make aspects of construction safer and less expensive.

Construction Unions to New Yorkers: Pay Us or Stay Homeless

The play by the construction unions is a classic knock of the old wolf in sheep's clothing fable-hiding their rapaciousness behind the cloak of affordable housing even as they must know that paying their demand for “prevailing wages” will make it almost impossible to come anywhere near the mayor’s ambitious housing goals.

Handwriting on the Wall for Construction Unions in NYC

Construction unions are reaching a serious crossroads in New York. For years, utilizing political muscle and other forms of intimidation, they dominated building in the city-squashing non-union efforts easily like a bug. But then things began to change as the death grip of organized labor was slowly removed and contractors began to see how costly and inefficient the building trades had become.

BNYC Supports Mayor de Blasio’s Zoning Legislation

Mayor Bill de Blasio is urging the state legislature to change the law to permit the city to promote larger residential buildings that would pave the way for more affordable housing in the city

BNYC Supports Brooklyn Borough President on Construction Union Diversity

In today’s Crain’s, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams highlights the fact that the construction unions that are loudly demanding that affordable housing developments hire their own members at a high prevailing wage scale, “…lack the [...]

Crains New York Doubles Down on SKYPICKER

It’s always sad when New York City politics and bureaucracy kill an entrepreneur’s dream. But one such story, recounted by our Peter D’Amato in last week’s Crain’s, is especially infuriating because the innovator, crane operator Dan Mooney, wasn’t the only victim. The whole city lost.

Crain’s New York: The Little Crane That Should

Business magazine Crain's New York Business investigates why an innovative, compact crane called the "Skypicker" is not allowed to operate in the city after multiple successful runs on a Manhattan Construction site

Is Cuomo the new Boss Tweed?

Late last month, Gov. Andrew Cuomo made it clear that he cares more about political connections than empowering workers in New York. This should be deeply concerning for taxpayers and for those who want to create more middle-class jobs throughout the state.