


BuildingNYC (BNYC),这个提倡绩效优先的纽约市建筑业承包商和工人团队目前宣布和建筑商与承包商协会(ABC)建立开创性的合作关系,建筑商与承包商协会(ABC)是一个全国性的贸易协会,在全美拥有将近21,000个承包商、分包商、物资供应商以及相关厂商。

February 22nd, 2016|多样化, 工地安全, 更佳建筑, 最新新闻, 非联合项目|


BuildingNYC是一个协会,它代表了当今大多数纽约市建筑(尤其是保障性住房)的工人。 我们多元化的员工队伍来自纽约市建筑行业各个部门,我们寻求保护,并倡导在安全、公平和公正的环境中工作的权利,促进持续的就业增长和经济效益。

Bloomberg: Tishman Construction Admits Cheating Trade Center Clients

Tishman Construction Corp., builder of One World Trade Center in New York’s financial district, admitted to an overbilling scheme spanning a decade and agreed to pay $20 million in restitution and penalties.

December 10th, 2015|Corruption, 更佳建筑, 最新新闻|

WSJ: Around New York Building Sites, a Little-Known Threat

Yet at least once a month on average, a passerby is injured near a New York City construction site by anything from falling bricks, hammers and glass to windblown fences and collapsing sidewalk sheds.

April 22nd, 2015|工地安全, 更佳建筑, 最新新闻|